The Characteristics and Advantages of Unify's Heat Sealing with High Frequency
A dvantages of H igh F requency H eating High-frequency heat sealing/ high-frequency sealing machine / high-frequency welding machine / HF plastic welding machine is the first choice of plastic heat high frequency sealing equipment. The principle is different from plastic welding machine with conduction of heat because it is the use of high-frequency electric field polar molecules to produce plastic torsion friction heat, and thus to achieve the purpose of welding. The welding temperature is uniform in the outside and the inside. It is mainly used for all kinds of plastic welding, welding, etc., which are on the basis of PVC (PVC). And it makes blister with different shapes or blisters plastic to weld automatically as well as trimming at the same time. It is suitable to use for two-sided welding of plastic uptake, bubble shell of plastic uptake and for sealing paper card. For special plastic material (PE, PS, PETG) with sealing, the PVC material with more than 30% for plastic wel...